I love the design of this page. If you tap in the path section you'll be able to visit all your friends igloos. Speaking of which, That's the huge upgrade!
There are so many new things you can do besides designing your igloo. You can also chat with people who stop by and use all the emotes and actions from the online game. They'll look different though because penguins are in the third dimension! A lot of people don't like the new look, but I'm one of the few who do. Let me know what you think in the comments.
All the catalogs have been added to one section of My Penguin. Unfortunately, there are no exclusives in the Penguin Style, but the Furniture Catalog has one exclusive igloo. I find it weird that Club Penguin added it there instead of Igloo Upgrades.
Sushi Drop got a minor update. The graphics have been updated a little. As you can see the ice is a different shape. Disney needs to add more prizes besides coins. When you have tens of thousands like me coins aren't that big of a deal.
Instead of have the game icon on the main page Club Penguin added a map of all the mini games you can play on My Penguin. Two new ones were released. I find it weird they still haven't updated the Plaza icon to include the Puffle Hotel. It's been almost 6 months. That's half a year!
The first is Bean Counter. It's just like Bean Counters in the Coffee Shop but with updated graphics. Playing this online is easier than on mobile in my opinion.
I'm still trying to figure out how to manuver the penguin in a straight line. As with Bean Counter, Jetpack Booster is much easier to play online.
Club Penguin added a settings page to My Penguin. You can now mute sounds and see how old your penguin is. Overall, My Penguin 1.2 is an amazing update! more words
App Rating: 9.5/10
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