This whole page is irrelevant to me since I'm not a boy.
I only brought the dress. I never purchase wigs until I see what it looks like on a penguin sprite. I should have heeded that advice when buying the dress because it looks ugly on my penguin. Waste of coins. Good thing I have 30,000+ thanks to all my hours of playing Card Jitsu Snow.
These aren't new clothes. I already have the entire outfit on the left page. At least they look better than what's on the previous pages.
That's all there is! A total of 6 new items. Club Penguin took a shortcut and filled most of the new pages with one outfit and pictures to take up space because they couldn't be bothered designing more clothes. Maybe they were busy working on the upcoming parties, but they should be able to manage their time more effectively.
Catalog Rating: 5/10
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"I'm trying really hard not to turn into Saraapril and complain about it all." - LOL! I am really angry. I hate the lack of new clothing.