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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The End of an Era

Hi everyone. It's me Supercuty06! Since Club Penguin is closing this month, I decided to write one last post about my experience playing it since August 20, 2007. Almost ten years ago. Time goes by so fast! It seems like just yesterday I was setting up my account and logging in for the first time. Every once in a while someone asks me how I came up with my username. Here's the breakdown:

"Super" because I like superheroes.
"cuty" is spelled with a Y because I wanted to be unique.
"06" looks better than 07 in my opinion (not to be confused with 007).

One of my favorite memories while playing Club Penguin was digging out the Dojo back in 2008 after a storm that made a hole in the roof. We got to meet Sensei for the first time, even though we didn't know his name yet. After the Dojo was repaired, there was a big party and ninja training began soon after!

Photo credit to CP Wiki.

A close second is discovering the Club Penguin community on Twitter! Way back in July 2012 there used to be a private server called "Pengable". Graser10 and Waltdisney6 were the creators if I'm not mistaken. I originally made a Twitter account with the name Darksupacuty* and eventually changed it to Supercuty06 after Pengable shut down.

Speaking of the community, I recently asked you guys to tweet me some questions. Here are the answers!

"What was your favorite party, minigame, and mascot?" - @BrickPalCP aka Puffle Pal26

It's hard to pick only one party. A lot of them were so good! Hmm, I'll have to say the Winter Fiesta of 2008. My favorite minigame is original Card Jitsu hands down. I collected so many trading cards back in the day, thanks to my local Target store. Here's a small part of my collection.

One of my favorite mascots is Aunt Arctic because she's a writer like me! I think I have a plush of her around here somewhere. Hold on a minute...
The others are Rockhopper and Sensei.

"One word to describe your whole Club Penguin experience?" - @QuesterCP aka Questy


"What one person did you meet that you do not regret meeting?" - @iCPblog

There are a few people in the community that I don't regret meeting. One of them is iPodracer900. We've been through some rough times, but we're still good friends today. I can only say that about a small fraction of my online friends.

"How many hours in your entire lifetime have you played Club Penguin?" - @DJ63_Kz aka Tech Guy

I have no clue. As of today, it's been 3,509 days.

"Will you marry Matt Houser in the time that CP is still open?" - @TweesTweets aka Squidy2008

No, I will never marry Matt Houser :P

Thanks to everyone who's sent me things over the years like fanart, questions, etc. If it wasn't for Club Penguin I never would have known awesome people like:


and so many others!

Something big happened recently that will go down in Club Penguin history. I was playing during the Waddle On Party and visited the iceberg. As usual penguins were trying to tip it. This has been going on for YEARS to no avail.

Because the game is closing, I decided to give it one last chance for fun. After a while the iceberg finally tipped over to reveal a dance floor and a new hard hat.

The last rumor has finally been solved!** It's officially the end of an era. Remember when Rainbow puffles and ninjas were just rumors? Good times... I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for Club Penguin and the people I've grown to know because of the game. It sparked my interest in graphic designing and since then I've not only made icons and headers for myself and others, but also logos, brochures, etc. for businesses.

Whether you're moving on to Club Penguin Island or living life in the real world, I wish you the best and don't forget to waddle on to new adventures!

*If you're into playing private servers that account still exists @Darksupacuty
**On second thought, did we ever figure out where Rockhopper’s Island is?

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